
GJoPS is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and ethics in research publication. Plagiarism is a serious violation of ethical standards, and the journal takes all cases of plagiarism very seriously. The following outlines our policy on plagiarism:

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the use of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without proper attribution or permission. This includes, but is not limited to:

Copying text, ideas, images, or data from another source without proper citation.

Presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks or to attribute the source correctly.

Self-plagiarism, which involves reusing significant parts of one's own previously published work without proper citation.

Detection of Plagiarism

All submitted manuscripts are subject to plagiarism detection using specialized software. The editorial team also conducts manual checks to ensure the originality of the content.

Consequences of Plagiarism

If plagiarism is detected at any stage of the publication process, the following actions will be taken:

Before Publication: The manuscript will be rejected immediately. The authors will be notified, and their institutions may be informed about the ethical breach.

After Publication: If plagiarism is discovered after an article has been published, the article will be retracted. A retraction notice will be published in the journal, and the authors' institutions will be notified.

Author Responsibilities

Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their work and for providing proper citations for all sources used. Authors must:

Ensure that all co-authors are aware of and agree to the submission and publication of the manuscript.

Obtain permission to use any third-party content that requires it.

Properly attribute all sources and provide appropriate citations.

Editorial Responsibilities

The editorial team is responsible for:

Conducting thorough checks for plagiarism using plagiarism detection tools.

Investigating any allegations of plagiarism and taking appropriate action.

Ensuring that the journal’s policies on plagiarism are clearly communicated to authors and reviewers.

Handling Allegations of Plagiarism

Any allegations of plagiarism should be reported to the editorial office. The editorial team will investigate the allegations thoroughly and confidentially. If plagiarism is confirmed, the appropriate actions, as outlined above, will be taken.

JGoSH is dedicated to promoting the integrity of academic research and upholding ethical standards in all aspects of publication. By adhering to this plagiarism policy, we aim to foster a culture of honesty and respect for intellectual property.