Publication Process

The publication process at GJoPS is designed to ensure a seamless and efficient transition from manuscript submission to publication. The following steps outline the process:


Authors submit their manuscripts through our online submission system. Submissions must adhere to the journal's formatting and submission guidelines.

Initial Screening

The editorial team conducts an initial screening to ensure that the manuscript meets the basic requirements, including relevance to the journal’s scope, originality, and adherence to ethical standards. Manuscripts that do not meet these criteria may be returned to the authors at this stage.

Peer Review

Manuscripts that pass the initial screening are sent for double-blind peer review. Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on its scientific merit, originality, and contribution to the field. The reviewers’ feedback is compiled by the handling editor and communicated to the authors.


Based on the reviewers’ feedback, authors may be required to make revisions. Authors are provided with detailed comments and suggestions to improve their manuscript. Revised manuscripts may undergo additional rounds of review if necessary.


Once the handling editor is satisfied with the revisions and the manuscript meets the journal’s standards, it is accepted for publication. Authors are notified of the acceptance decision.


Accepted manuscripts undergo a thorough copyediting process to ensure clarity, consistency, and adherence to the journal's style. Authors may be asked to review and approve the edited manuscript.


The copyedited manuscript is formatted and typeset for publication. Authors receive proofs of the typeset manuscript to review for any final corrections.


Authors review the proofs and provide any necessary corrections. This step ensures that the final published version is accurate and free of errors.


Once the proofs are approved, the manuscript is published online and/or in print. The article is assigned a DOI and becomes available to the global research community.


Published articles are disseminated through various channels, including the journal’s website, academic databases, and indexing services. Authors are encouraged to share their work through institutional repositories and academic social networks.